Wednesday, July 4, 2012

meal eating quandary

oh this is occupying TOO much of my brain for the last several day....
having family/friends over for a turkey burger bbq at 7 tonite.
i've been 99% on Medifast for alittle over 2 wks (lost 9 lbs!!!) and i'm concerned when to eat my Lean and green meal today. there are 3 options i can think of, but i'm not sure which one will WORK. the fat chick on my shoulder will surely be in attendance tonite, saying EAT THIS, EAT THAT...

i want to eat it all at noon lunch time as that works great for me, i'm not hungry the rest of day if i'm home alone and not stressed, then if any guests notice i'm not eating, i can just plead i'm not hungry now. if i fixed some mf shakes to drink those meal choices would fill me up in the afternoon, evening.
plan b would be to split the L&G, half for lunch half for dinner. couple ways to go here: eat half of my veggies, half of my meat OR eat all the meat at lunch, and have salad at 7
plan c, eat my L&G meal at dinner time alongside the guests. lean turkey burger and salad on the menu so those would be on plan
concern with waiting til 7 pm is that i will be hungry just having the other MF meals earlier in the day....i've not been hungry on MF unless i've been sleep deprived

the wedding is 3.5 wks away and i don't want to mess up what has been working perfectly. this is a learning experience for other occassions that will come up on this weight loss journey....

what ever happens happens and i will learn from it. I don't intend to lose to FAT CHICK on the shoulder with out a fight though, so i will be pulling out all the MF fighting tools: water drinking, 2 celery sticks if i need a bit of extra food, keeping busy.
grrrrrr i'm such a 'seefood' eater, even though i've got healthy choices on the menu for tonite's gathering, i'd prefer to not see the food.
lots to do today so i will burn some calories that way

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