why do i feel thinner at a weight point on the scale when i am losing than when i am gaining and reach that weight?
it's crazy, lose 10 lbs to reach down to that weight and feel 'thin'
go up 10 lbs to reach that weight and feel FAT
obviously one would feel lighter having lost 10 lbs vs carrying around a new 10 lbs but i'm more referring to how i FEEL psychologically at the 'thinner' weight than when i gain and my body posture, movement
tomorrow is weigh in day for wk 2 on Medifast, the scale is down 8 lbs, and i was noticing how i am carrying my body. with out looking at my reflection in the patio doors as i walk by, i just feel 'thinner'. my posture is taller, i'm tightening my stomache muscles
looking at my reflection, my face is thinner, my stomache poof in the middle above waist band has lessened in size...
speaking of my face, at the top of my cheeks there are 2 darker areas, like an inflated balloon that was stretched, when you let some air out, i can tell that is what happened to that area.
so taking off even a small amount of the weight i need to lose has already made a difference in how i feel
it's empowering me to continue...
today i reviewed my Medifast meal inventory and placed an order
i'm glad i have a plan on when to eat and which meals i like to eat when. i will have enough variety to make meal switches though so i don't get bored
here's wishing you your own aha or light bulb moment to getted started on your health plan
as they say "one step at a time", just make one change today to get yourself started...
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